Established in 1755, Lomonosov Moscow State University (In Cyrillic: Моско́вский госуда́рственный университе́т и́мени М. В. Ломоно́сова) is the grand, sprawling, higher education center in Moscow, Russia. Comprised of over 1,000 buildings, covering over 1,000,000 m2, the university is situated in the southwest Moscow neighborhood of Sparrow Hills. Over 40,000 students attend faculties ranging from Soil Science to Political Science to Cybernetics to Television and Military Training. Eight Nobel Laureates (five in Physics, two, the Peace prize, and one in Chemistry), 5 Fields Medal winners (the world's prize in Mathematics), and the writers Chekhov and Fathers and Sons' author Ivan Turgenev were associated with the University.
The building above was designed (1949-1953) under the Stalinist architecture movement by architect Lev Rudnev. The library's stacks house over 9,000,000 works.
Please visit the Moscow State University website for more information.